Association of subjective health and abnormal cervical cytology in Japanese pregnant women: an adjunct study of the Japan Environment and Children’s Study


東北大学産婦人科教室の佐々木先生と取り組んでいましたエコチル調査追加調査の分析「日本人妊婦の主観的健康度と子宮頸部細胞診異常との関連:エコチル調査の追加調査」がPreventive Medicine Reports誌に掲載されました。

Sasaki S, Metoki H, Satoh M, Murakami T, Tanoue K, Tanaka K, Iwama N, Watanabe Z, Okamo S, Saito M, Sugawara J, Ito K, Yaegashi N.

Prev Med Rep. 2021.

  • 妊婦の主観的健康度と子宮頸部細胞診異常との関連性を検討しました。
  • 本研究は、エコチル調査の追加調査として行われました。
  • 主観的健康度の高さは、子宮頸部細胞診異常リスクの高さと関連していました。
  • 若い女性は、自分の健康状態を自覚していても、子宮頸がんのリスクを抱えている可能性がある。
  • 自分は健康だと思っている若い女性に、がん検診の受診を勧めるべきである。





This study examines the association between abnormal cervical cytology and subjective health in pregnant women, as an adjunct to the Japan Environment and Children’s Study, which cross-sectionally analyzed a subset of the prospective cohort. A total of 3,024 pregnant women at a childbirth facility whose medical records of cervical cytology in the first trimester of pregnancy were transcribed and who responded to the subjective health questionnaire were included herein. They were classified into excellent, good, fair, and poor groups based on their subjective health. Cervical cytology results obtained from perinatal medical records were classified into normal and abnormal cytology based on the Bethesda classification. Logistic regression analysis adjusted for baseline characteristics, including age, pre-pregnancy body mass index, parity, and other possible confounding factors, was used. Of 3,024 pregnant women, 106 (3.5%) had abnormal cytology, with the prevalence being 1.3%, 3.7%, 3.9%, and 4.0%, respectively (p=0.055) in the poor, fair, good, and excellent groups. The baseline characteristics, namely age, history of gynecological diseases, Kessler 6-item psychological distress scale score, and history of mental illness, were significantly different between groups. Compared to the poor group, the other three groups had a significantly higher abnormal cytology risk after adjusting for confounding factors (Fair: adjusted OR [aOR]=3.6, 95% CI [1.0–12.1]; Good: aOR=4.6 [1.3–15.5]; Excellent: aOR=4.6 [1.2–17.8]). This study encourages young women to undergo cervical cancer screening because they are at risk for cervical cancer even if they think that they are healthy, and preventive activities like regular screening are essential. でサイトを構築.

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